Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Of backyards and movies

If you've been around me or talked to me in the last month, you know I've been working hard on the backyard. I hired a friend to do some of the heavy work and he did an amazing job - removing bushes, trimming a bed, fixing the gate, removing a sidewalk, and some other odds & ends. Then another friend helped me just because he likes playing in the dirt. I adjusted last year's plantings and added more. Slowly but surely the flowerbeds are coming along. I planted mainly perenials so it won't be so much work every year. Laying the ground cloth & mulch was a huge job that took me a week. But I am very pleased with the finished product.
I make this disclaimer: I have no clue what I'm doing when it comes to gardening. I'm as surprised as anyone that I have a somewhat green thumb.

This is my new daisy bed - shasta, button, gerber, sea-breeze, black-eyed susans, dahlias.

The hostas I planted last year have come back quite well. The back bed is mainly hostas with some coleus, ferns & impatiens.
I was surprised at how large this hosta is. That's my size 8 foot for some comparison.
The clematis is blooming like crazy.
The snowball hydrangea had great blooms this spring. And you can get a peek at the fixed & freshly painted gate.
My big deadline for finishing the backyard was May 30 - Backyard Movie Night. It's becoming an annual event. This was the 2nd annual. Saturday I hung a sheet on the back of the house and the boys set up the borrowed audio equipment & projector. After church Saturday night, people came over to hang out and I had the grill available. We hung out until dark to watch a movie or two. The only requirement is to show up with a blanket or lawn chair.
Forty or so people came and several brought their kids. We watched Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure and then a handful stuck around for Top Gun. The weather was fantastic this year except for a very brief sprinkle of rain in between movies.
A big thanks to all who helped set up or man the grill.
Be excellent to each other...and party on, dudes!


DeMo said...

Wow! Your garden looks great! I'm excited to see your daisy bed. I was sad to miss out on BYM this year. Looks like a lot of fun!

Jennifer said...

Thanks, DeMo! I am looking forward to the shastas & blackeyed susans to start blooming.
We missed you too! It was a good time.