Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 36

Sept 6: A couple for friends got together for a Labor Day cookout and volleyball at East Lake in Newton.

Sept 7:  I have a few friends who are training for a triathalon.  Talking with them this weekend, I was inspired to dig my bike out of the cobwebs.  Mom bought us Schwinn 10-speeds circa 1983, I had it worked over a few years ago and it's still going strong.  I am by no means a graceful rider.

Sept 8: An eventful day ended with a small gathering of neighbors for Una's birthday celebration.  She's such a special lady and a blessing to me & Diesel!
Sept 9: What, you don't drill holes to fix your Salvadorian coconut earrings that you broke when you put in your pocket on a windy Kauai night? Don't look too closely at the finished product, there might be an extra hole.
Sept 10: The clouds were gorgeously illuminated by the setting sun.  I am so glad I had to make a run to the grocery store and got to see it! (Hannah - relax, I pulled over at the park to take the picture.)
Sept 11: Opening weekend of the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson.  There was a mass of humanity there, but it was a good time.
Last year I discovered fried cheese curds.  Yum!
My friends, The Emily Judson Band, were playing and we listened to few songs.  Great job, guys!
I had never seen the butter sculpture before.  Impressive.
The piglets in the birthing center were so cute.
Sept 12:  I have been craving mussels and indulged for lunch today. 

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