I flew over here for a week for a business meeting and 4 hours before it was to happen, it was cancelled and rescheduled 11 days out. It's cheaper for me to stay here then fly home & back, so I'm stuck in France. I realize there are worse places to be stuck. I am trying to make the most of it. I had to go shopping to buy a coat & some sweaters as I did not pack warm enough or enough for 2.5 weeks. I have had the opportunity to get to know our on-site team better and explore Toulouse more. I went to a wine festival on Sunday and tried a lot of good wine. Unfortunately I don't have the space to bring much home with me.
Nov 11 is Armistice Day. It is interesting to be on this side of the world for such a momentus occasion in celebrating history. I will go to a chamber orchestra concert at a cathedral downtown that night. It reminds me of how thankful we need to be to those who fought for our freedom.
I did not bring my camera card reader with me as I was only going to be gone a week. So you'll have to wait for pictures until I return home.