Sunday, March 13, 2011

Abandon Kansas, Drool Fest and more

It was a full week.  I am glad I made it through.  Tuesday night I went to a concert of the band "Abandon Kansas".  A guy I grew up going to church with joined the band last year as their bass player.  They played at a church 2 blocks from my house.  Chet did a great job.  The concert was loud, but good.
Friday night I hosted another Drool Fest.  It's a chick flick movie night where we choose a drool-worthy actor and watch a few of his movies.  It was a lot of fun.  It also happened to be Annette's birthday, so I made a cake for her.  Chocolate, coffee, strawberries and raspberries can't go wrong.
I changed my bedding from the heavy winter comforter to my summer bedding today. But it's not quite warm enough for just the summer quilt so I get to add my favorite blanket. This has been on my bed since I was a little girl.  It was one of my parents' wedding gifts.  The happy 1970s daisies always make me smile.

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