Tuesday, September 27, 2011

McPherson Scottish Festival

One of the things on my Kansas bucket list is attending the McPherson Scottish Festival. I was finally able to this year.  My roommate and I drove up for part of Saturday and enjoyed wandering around the festivities. 
We watched some Highland games, a sheep dog demonstration, and Irish dancing.  Listened to music, enjoyed some Scottish food, and talked to people in the clan booths.  My clan was not represented by my roommate's was and we got invited to go with them in 2014 to Scotland and Ireland.

 The midday ceremony was the Parade of Tartans and a massed pipe and drum band.  I enjoyed talking to this little old man at his booth.  His clan's slogan is "fierce when roused." 
This man was in the booth next door and came over to give us a hard time too.  Liz liked his pants.  He pointed at us during the parade.

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